Time series anomaly detection strives to uncover potential abnormal behaviors and patterns from temporal data, and has fundamental significance in diverse application scenarios. Constructing an effective detection model usually requires adequate training data stored in a centralized manner, however, this requirement sometimes could not be satisfied in realistic scenarios. As a prevailing approach to address the above problem, federated learning has demonstrated its power to cooperate with the distributed data available while protecting the privacy of data providers. However, it is still unclear that how existing time series anomaly detection algorithms perform with decentralized data storage and privacy protection through federated learning. To study this, we conduct a federated time series anomaly detection benchmark, named FedTADBench, which involves five representative time series anomaly detection algorithms and four popular federated learning methods. We would like to answer the following questions: (1)How is the performance of time series anomaly detection algorithms when meeting federated learning? (2) Which federated learning method is the most appropriate one for time series anomaly detection? (3) How do federated time series anomaly detection approaches perform on different partitions of data in clients? Numbers of results as well as corresponding analysis are provided from extensive experiments with various settings. The source code of our benchmark is publicly available at https://github.com/fanxingliu2020/FedTADBench.
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Models should be able to adapt to unseen data during test-time to avoid performance drops caused by inevitable distribution shifts in real-world deployment scenarios. In this work, we tackle the practical yet challenging test-time adaptation (TTA) problem, where a model adapts to the target domain without accessing the source data. We propose a simple recipe called \textit{Data-efficient Prompt Tuning} (DePT) with two key ingredients. First, DePT plugs visual prompts into the vision Transformer and only tunes these source-initialized prompts during adaptation. We find such parameter-efficient finetuning can efficiently adapt the model representation to the target domain without overfitting to the noise in the learning objective. Second, DePT bootstraps the source representation to the target domain by memory bank-based online pseudo-labeling. A hierarchical self-supervised regularization specially designed for prompts is jointly optimized to alleviate error accumulation during self-training. With much fewer tunable parameters, DePT demonstrates not only state-of-the-art performance on major adaptation benchmarks VisDA-C, ImageNet-C, and DomainNet-126, but also superior data efficiency, i.e., adaptation with only 1\% or 10\% data without much performance degradation compared to 100\% data. In addition, DePT is also versatile to be extended to online or multi-source TTA settings.
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关节2D心脏分割和3D体积重建是建立统计心脏解剖模型的基础,并了解运动模式的功能机制。但是,由于CINE MR和高主体间方差的平面分辨率低,精确分割心脏图像并重建3D体积是具有挑战性的。在这项研究中,我们提出了一个基于潜在空间的端到端框架DeepRecon,该框架会产生多个临床上基本的结果,包括准确的图像分割,合成高分辨率3D图像和3D重建体积。我们的方法确定了Cine图像的最佳潜在表示,其中包含心脏结构的准确语义信息。特别是,我们的模型共同生成具有准确的语义信息的合成图像,并使用最佳潜在表示对心脏结构进行分割。我们进一步探索了3D形状重建和4D运动模式通过不同的潜在空间操纵策略进行适应的下游应用。同时生成的高分辨率图像具有评估心脏形状和运动的高可解释价值。实验性结果证明了我们的有效性在多个方面的方法,包括2D分割,3D重建,下游4D运动模式适应性。
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组合来自多视图图像的信息对于提高自动化方法的疾病诊断方法的性能和鲁棒性至关重要。但是,由于多视图图像的非对齐特性,跨视图的构建相关性和数据融合在很大程度上仍然是一个开放的问题。在这项研究中,我们提出了输血,这是一种基于变压器的体系结构,可使用卷积层和强大的注意机制合并不同的多视图成像信息。特别是,针对丰富的跨视图上下文建模和语义依赖性挖掘,提出了发散的融合注意(DIFA)模块,以解决从不同图像视图中捕获未对齐数据之间的长期相关性的关键问题。我们进一步提出了多尺度注意(MSA),以收集多尺度特征表示的全局对应关系。我们评估了心脏MRI(M \&MS-2)挑战队列中多疾病,多视图\&多中心右心室分段的输血。输血表明了针对最先进方法的领先绩效,并为多视图成像集成的新观点打开了稳健的医学图像分割。
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自上而下的实例分割框架与自下而上的框架相比,它在对象检测方面表现出了优越性。虽然它有效地解决了过度细分,但自上而下的实例分割却遭受了过度处理问题。然而,完整的分割掩模对于生物图像分析至关重要,因为它具有重要的形态特性,例如形状和体积。在本文中,我们提出了一个区域建议纠正(RPR)模块,以解决这个具有挑战性的分割问题。特别是,我们提供了一个渐进式皇家模块,以逐渐将邻居信息引入一系列ROI。 ROI功能被馈入专门的进料网络(FFN)以进行提案框回归。有了其他邻居信息,提出的RPR模块显示了区域建议位置的校正显着改善,因此与最先进的基线方法相比,在三个生物图像数据集上表现出有利的实例分割性能。实验结果表明,所提出的RPR模块在基于锚固的和无锚的自上而下实例分割方法中有效,这表明该方法可以应用于生物学图像的一般自上而下实例分割。代码可用。
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作为新一代神经体系结构的变形金刚在自然语言处理和计算机视觉方面表现出色。但是,现有的视觉变形金刚努力使用有限的医学数据学习,并且无法概括各种医学图像任务。为了应对这些挑战,我们将Medformer作为数据量表变压器呈现为可推广的医学图像分割。关键设计结合了理想的电感偏差,线性复杂性的层次建模以及以空间和语义全局方式以线性复杂性的关注以及多尺度特征融合。 Medformer可以在不预训练的情况下学习微小至大规模的数据。广泛的实验表明,Medformer作为一般分割主链的潜力,在三个具有多种模式(例如CT和MRI)和多样化的医学靶标(例如,健康器官,疾病,疾病组织和肿瘤)的三个公共数据集上优于CNN和视觉变压器。我们将模型和评估管道公开可用,为促进广泛的下游临床应用提供固体基线和无偏比较。
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The ability to jointly learn from multiple modalities, such as text, audio, and visual data, is a defining feature of intelligent systems. While there have been promising advances in designing neural networks to harness multimodal data, the enormous success of data augmentation currently remains limited to single-modality tasks like image classification. Indeed, it is particularly difficult to augment each modality while preserving the overall semantic structure of the data; for example, a caption may no longer be a good description of an image after standard augmentations have been applied, such as translation. Moreover, it is challenging to specify reasonable transformations that are not tailored to a particular modality. In this paper, we introduce LeMDA, Learning Multimodal Data Augmentation, an easy-to-use method that automatically learns to jointly augment multimodal data in feature space, with no constraints on the identities of the modalities or the relationship between modalities. We show that LeMDA can (1) profoundly improve the performance of multimodal deep learning architectures, (2) apply to combinations of modalities that have not been previously considered, and (3) achieve state-of-the-art results on a wide range of applications comprised of image, text, and tabular data.
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The current optical communication systems minimize bit or symbol errors without considering the semantic meaning behind digital bits, thus transmitting a lot of unnecessary information. We propose and experimentally demonstrate a semantic optical fiber communication (SOFC) system. Instead of encoding information into bits for transmission, semantic information is extracted from the source using deep learning. The generated semantic symbols are then directly transmitted through an optical fiber. Compared with the bit-based structure, the SOFC system achieved higher information compression and a more stable performance, especially in the low received optical power regime, and enhanced the robustness against optical link impairments. This work introduces an intelligent optical communication system at the human analytical thinking level, which is a significant step toward a breakthrough in the current optical communication architecture.
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In this paper, we study the use of deep Transformer translation model for the CCMT 2022 Chinese-Thai low-resource machine translation task. We first explore the experiment settings (including the number of BPE merge operations, dropout probability, embedding size, etc.) for the low-resource scenario with the 6-layer Transformer. Considering that increasing the number of layers also increases the regularization on new model parameters (dropout modules are also introduced when using more layers), we adopt the highest performance setting but increase the depth of the Transformer to 24 layers to obtain improved translation quality. Our work obtains the SOTA performance in the Chinese-to-Thai translation in the constrained evaluation.
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